DAO Member

Komm DAO values active involvement and open communication among members to foster the growth of the K-ommunity. All members are encouraged to explore and share web3 investment opportunities and provide their valuable insights and expertise. The DAO is open to professionals who can contribute to the DAO's growth and success in various ways, including, but not limited to:

  1. Investors with specialized knowledge in Web3 and a risk-tolerance for private investments

  2. Researchers with knowledge in the latest technological advancements and market trends

  3. Marketers and branding experts who play a crucial role in promoting the DAO's mission and vision to a wider audience, as well as in creating and implementing effective branding strategies for portfolio companies associated with the DAO

  4. Legal and accounting practitioners with with experiences in fund investments and operations

  5. Developers with experience in web3 technologies and smart contract development

  6. Designers with skills in user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design to create user-friendly applications and interfaces for the decentralized web

  7. Headhunters and talent scouts who can identify and recruit top talent to join the DAO's growing community and portfolio companies

Member Participation

Komm DAO members are encouraged to actively participate in the K-ommunity, by writing proposals, participating in discussions and voting, providing constructive feedback to improve the DAO system, and regularly evaluating and providing feedback on DAO milestones. Members are also encouraged to support the development, design, and marketing of portfolio companies invested by the DAO to maximize their value.

Members are also expected to make friction, tension, and inefficiencies known to all DAO members so that changes, improvements, and learning can take place. They should participate in the official communications channels on a regular basis and act in the best interest of the DAO and its members.

Komm DAO will start as a curated K-ommunity of selected web3 participants, and new members shall be invited by existing members. Existing members will kollectively discuss in the governance committee and vote whether to approve any new members. Member candidates receiving more than the majority vote will be invited to join.

Membership Process

The admission process for Komm DAO is as follows:

  1. Invitation by an existing member

  2. Discussion of the governance committee regarding the candidate

  3. Off-chain vote by the governance committee whether to approve the new member

  4. Onboarding of the new member

DAO members can participate in an Incentive Program or Campaign to receive rewards, but they must belong to the contributor group called Cohort.

Last updated